Basement Floor Pour


Master Suite and Great Room from Side

Lakeside from Neighbor's Yard

Pouring the Basement Floor!
Big things are happening this week at the lake cottage. After weeks of fighting the weather and ground frost, the basement floor is in and gorgeous! The house sits on a very steep slope that was slippery with ice and is now slippery with mud. It has made getting machinery in and out of the site precarious to say the least. However, we've had a week of thawing temps ending with highs in the 60's today. So, the build is on! Last week the roof went on (there are more sections of roof yet to be built, the footings for which were poured today, too). It is a dimensional shingle that contains the most lovely shades of grey. I'm disappointed it doesn't translate well to the computer as it is so pleasing in person. The schedule for the next week or so includes framing the basement walls, digging the well, building decks and porches and installing windows. The next update should be great!

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